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Writer's pictureEcehan

The New Polarization in the World and the End of the United Nations Security Council

During the war in Balkans, over 100,000 Bosnians were killed by the Serbian Army between 1992 and 1995. This was recognized as genocide after the war finished. The NATO and United Nations Security Council and the NATO waited too long to intervene. This tragedy happened just in the middle of the world, only a few hundred kilometers from the United Nations office in Austria and NATO bases in different parts of the world. The Balkan wars was the first important failure of the United Nations Security Council and the NATO. Furthermore, the famous Balkan heroin route was established during this war.

In the year 2002, the USA congress claimed that Saddam Hussain has weapons and mass destruction granted George Bush administration to launch any military attack in Iraq . The only evidence were a few satellite photos/images. Later on it was concluded that these photos were wrong as US forces didn’t find any evidence of the weapons of mass destruction. The UN Security Council were not able to stop the USA. At the end, Saddam Hussain was killed. The country separated at least into two ethical regions (Independent Kurdish region and Arab- Sunni Region). Furthermore, the country became a paradise for terrorist groups like IS and AQ related groups. This was another important failure of the UN Security Council.

In 2008, Georgia and NATO talks started to make Georgia a member of the NATO. Russia reacted this. As a result, Abkhazia and South Ossetia regions of Georgia declared their independence. Russia immediately recognized them as separate independent states.

In March 2011, the NATO forces launched a military operation in Libya aligned with the UN Security Resolution. UK and France military mainly led the operation. The operations ended with the death of Gaddafi in October 2011. This didn’t bring any peace or solution in Libya. Rather, Libya became poor, and became a paradise for illegally armed and terrorist groups. Thousands of Libyans has died. Once again UN Security Council members didn’t manage to protect the peace, safety and security of the civilians in Libya.

The civil unrest started in march 2011 in Syria. The NATO and EU supported the Syrian opposition forces. Russia backed the Asad regime in Syria. Another time, UN Security council members had different views about the future of Asad and Syria. As a result, civil war didn’t stop in Syria. The country is divided at least into two ethnic regions (Kurdish and Syrian Arab regions). Also, the lands of Syria became a home for many illegally armed and terrorist groups. Lasty, Syria became synthetic drug production center and drug trafficking location.

The story of Ukraine – Russia tension started in 2013. The main reason was that president Viktor Yanukovic rejected to sign the Ukraine-EU association agreement and decide to increase the ties with Russian Government. This caused internal conflicts in the country. As a result, Crimea announced its independency. Russia recognized and sent military troops to protect Crimea region. Ukraine lost Crimea. The same scenario repeated in February 2022. Russia increased its opposition for inclusion of Ukraine in NATO. Right after that, like in 2013, Donetsk and Luhanskt regions announced their independence and Russia recognized them. Immediately after that, Russia started a large scale military operation against Ukraine at the of February 2022. The scale of war increased and Russian army targeted Kiev. Once again UN Security countries failed to save the peace and safety of civilians in Ukraine.

In year 2021, another military coup happened in Myanmar. Hundreds of the civil protestors were killed by the Myanmar army. No serious action taken by the UN Security council. We can increase the examples in some other parts of the world, such as Somalia, Mali, Ethiopia, etc.

The UN Security Council was unsuccessful in preventing or stopping any conflict or protecting the vulnerable ones in the last 30 years. The number of refugees, displaced persons, and asylum seekers increased from 40 million in 2010 to 80 million 2022. This is the most important indication that the UN Security Council is not successful in keeping peace and security in the world. Rather the UN security members were the main reasons of causing conflict many times.

Now, three UN Security Council Members (USA, France and UK) declared a very large scale of isolation for Russia (including Government, sports clubs, business people, companies, etc). China has not yet announced its position but China will likely act together with Russia. So, from now on, the UN Security Council can't decide to protect the peace and safety worldwide. In other words, as of now, the UN Security Council is an organization valid only on paper but don’t have any impact or role.

Almost two decades ago, the world was very excited about globalization and union of the cultures. The Ukraine-Russia conflict ended the globalization process, and a new polarization started in the world. Russia will lead one group and the USA will lead the other countries again during the cold war. This will have a very negative impact in many areas, including the economy, geo-politics, and socio-economy. We may soon see that Central Asian countries (including Azerbaijan) announce sanctions to the Western Countries and organizations and align with Russia. The Taliban Government in Afghanistan is likely to join with the Western World and be against Russia. That means the Taliban Government can be recognized by the Western World Countries soon.

Turkey will be again an important country. Turkey was aligned with USA during the first cold war and became a NATO member. However, the relations between Turkey and USA/NATO/EU were not ideal in last 10 years. As a result, Turkey got closer to Russia and bought the S400 Russian air defence system. Furthermore, Turkey has strong financial ties with both Russia and EU. Therefore, it will not be an easy decision for Turkey and may continue its relations with Russia and the USA at the same level. If Turkey can keep its independence, it can benefit from this more than being part of the polarization.

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